

北野マグダ・レーナ(Magda L. Kitano):国際学部

主任研究員 北野マグダ・レーナ


Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, I have lived in Japan since 1992. My field is English education (TESOL), and I have been writing ministry-approved English textbooks for over 20 years. Included are Hello There, New Horizon, and most recently, New Favorite English Expression. I joined Bunkyo University’s International Studies Faculty in 2012.
My current research is mainly in vocabulary. As Japanese children do not learn any kind of phonics through their mother tongue, they may be using different techniques to learn foreign words than students from alphabetic language backgrounds. In the worst case scenario, a preoccupation with learning the spelling of new words may interfere with a student’s concentration on the main aim of vocabulary learning – the meaning of the new word. Through experiments in word memorization, I hope to determine whether international research into word learning strategies can be applied to non-alphabetic cultures such as Japan.
With my background in textbook writing, a second area of research is comparative studies of foreign language textbooks around the world. English textbooks produced in Japan vary in several respects from norms found in foreign language textbooks, and I hope to identify those differences, determine their roots, and pinpoint the advantages and disadvantages of this unique approach to foreign language education.




大橋 洸太郎:情報学部








早稲田大学「心を測る」非常勤講師 (2016~現在に至る)


一般財団法人 統計質保証推進協会 CBT委員会分科会 統計検定データサイエンス基礎 副委員長




土田 美登世:健康栄養学部

土田 美登世




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